Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello everyone!

Just a short note to say hi to all. I am home sick today so I thought this would be a good time to do the blog thing.
I went to Pro Bass Shop with Wade, Declan and Alister on Saturday. We had a great day. Declan drove the little nascar on the track and did really was so cute to watch him...then Wade took Declan in the "big boy" nascar. Wade chose the Home Depot car and of course they beat everyone on the track! Declan had an ear to ear grin every round...he had a blast. We were there for a few hours and Alister was asleep before we got out of the parking lot to go home.
I had a chat with Vivian this morning and she is really looking forward to her visit. Time is flying by will be no time before the big day is here for Ashleigh and the whole family will be able to be together for a celebration. Lauryn will be home soon, that's so exciting! Lots of things happening.
I am really looking forward to the 2010 survivor...any predictions on a winner this year? Any volunteers to make the idol this year? We could just use the same one that we had last year and pass it on each year?? I predict that we will have a female winner this year. The games will be will need brain power as well as muscle power.


  1. Since I have no enemies from last year I think I am in a good position to be the last female standing!

    Do you want to borrow the survivor game to help plan?

    Tim is in the process of renovating the shed. Instead of 4 rooms it will be one big room so we will have to change the "voting room" somehow.

    We have the group immunity idol here & it can be used again if you want. Jason has the individual immunity necklace but if we use that again there is no memento for the winner??

  2. I think that Sarah is going to bring that necklace was not inteded to be a "keeper". We could make a new one that is a keeper.
    Yea, we'll take the survivor game to help us with the plan...thanks.
    The new pics of Reid are adorable, he is soooo cute!
