Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yes that is what time it is. Reid started sleeping in his crib 2 1/2 weeks ago. Needless to say he was up @ 2AM & then 3AM . . . I still had not fell back asleep from the 1st time. He was back asleep before I even got to his room - go figure! The first week things went well & now it seems like we have good & bad nights. I have started putting him to bed @ 8PM. That seems to work out OK. Lately he will only nap in my arms, not a good habit to get him into so I also started trying to give him naps in the crib. Well again the first week things seemed to be going good . . . now not so much. He actually slept for a total of 30 mins yesterday (and yes I had to hold him for this . . . I know, I know . . . but what do you do when you have a cranky baby who just won't sleep? ) Besides all this Reid is doing great. He babbles & smiles constantly & giggles occassionally. Last time I weighed him he was 16 lbs. He sleeps on his side now instead of on his back with his arms over his head. He rolls from side to side but not over onto his belly yet. He tries to pull his upper body up when he is laying down. He is much more interested in his saucer now, loves his jolly jumper (even though he tap dances more than he jumps most times) & has had outside time in his playpen. I finally took his to Sears to have his pictures taken last week. I get them back May 31st, can't wait!

We had a great time @ the Jack & Jill. I am so glad Lisa is keeping us up to date on her adventure of a lifetime. I have to be honest I did not think we would hear from her so soon . . . I am so happy we did & so happy that things seem to be going great. We can't wait to meet your little family. I hope she can keep the emails coming as it is very exciting to hear how things are going.

Aunt Viv flies into Toronto today. I think Aunt Norma is picking her up. Looking forward to seeing her again.

Tim was on holidays last week. We made a rock garden @ our front entrance. Tuurned out pretty good . . . amazing what no money, teamwork & a lot of effort can accomplish! We went to Canada's Wonderland on Thursday. It was a great day weather-wise. So I started pumping about a week before so Reid would not have to have formula all day. Then it occured to me I would have to pump while I was away all day. Well right up until the morning we left I am thinking I can just take my pump . . . that is until Tim says how are you going to do that . . . shoot, can't plug the pump in! Well he figures out how to set the manual pump up . . . well let me tell you I poor pity anyone who has to use that thing (THANKS so much Angela for the electric pump!) I pumped a total of 1. 5 ozs all day. By the time I got home my boobs were as hard as rocks & I pumped about 15 ozs. And the fun did not end there. We go on the 1st three rides . . . during the rides it is great . . . but when they stop I feel not too well @ all. Well guess what happens on the 4th ride . . . I puke on myself. That's right . . . all over myself! Thank god I took pants, shorts, a t-shirt & a tank top. So back to the car I go to change. I sit the next few rides out . . . then try a couple more, no problems then I feel the sickness coming on again . . . @ least this time I don't puke on myself (which was a really good thing cause this one was way more than just clear, unsmelly bile!) Totally gross right. And yes I used to LOVE rides & never felt or got sick. I get home, tell my mom my story & she tells me that is what happens when you get OLD & my body has been through a lot. I am starting to believe that life really never will be the same & this body as I used to know is NEVER coming back!

Tim's alarm just went off for the 3rd time (he just LOVES that snooze button!) I think I'll go make us both tea.

Have a great day! xoxoxo

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