Monday, May 24, 2010

Lauryn is finally where she belongs!

Day 2 in China - a beautiful story...

Hi there,
I knew you would be waiting patiently for this email. I am at the business centre in Guangzhou. It has been an unbelievable day. I am exhausted... we both are... so mind the spelling! LOL!We slept well last night. We both just kinda crashed. Our day started at 4 a.m. Wasn't really too bad because it felt like 4 in the afternoon. We both got ready and waited in the lobby for everyone. We were the first ones downstairs and eager to start our day. We boarded the bus with about 14 other people. We had breakfast on the bus. While we ate Yulin told us what to expect and how to handle our children. She says that they are all different and she doesn't know what to tell us on how they will react.
We got to the airport around 6:30. Dawn, her sister Lynne and Dawn's daughter (adopted 5 years ago) Quinnlynne were flying to our province. I can't tell you what a relief it was to have them there. There are sooooo nice! We found a coffee spot and sat and got to know each other. It was so funny. Kyle asked for cream in his coffee... you know what he got... WHIPPED CREAM! LOL! He was a sport about it and said it wasn't too bad! We played crazy 8's and UNO with Quinnlynne and watched the clock, our plane didn't board until 8:45! We did some shopping. I found chedder goldfish! Kyle bought some crazy pork thing.. gross.. went through security and waited for our plane.
The day seemed to drag and drag. Beijing to Guangzhou is a 3 hour flight... what a crazy flight. I cant tell you how weird it is to be in a place where you are the minority! Landed safely and got off the plane to meet our guide Ava. Now things were getting exciting. We boarded a bus and off to the hotel. Ava told us we had about 10 mins. We had to get all our papers in order (thankfully ours were already) bring one gift for the nanny, and meet in the lobby. Things were moving so fast. Kyle and I still had to exchange our money. We met in the lobby and Ava wisked us off to the bank of china. It was crazy. They took our passports inspected every bill. over and over again. We left with literally a shopping bag full of yuen. We were 20 mins. away from the adoption centre and needed every minute to count our cash and get them in the right envelope! It was so quick. We left the bus in the middle of a very busy road. Crossed the street. AND THIS WAS IT.
The building is very run down. The room where all the babies were was very bright and comfy. I have seen it online before. Ava came to us and told us that our baby was here! I lost it for a minute. Kyle too, and then we were signing papers and counting money and it was all such a whirlwind. THEN AVA came back and got Dawn to be introduced to her baby. Her baby's name is Lindsay and the second Lindsay saw Dawn she WAILED... I have never heard a baby cry like that before!
Ava came back and told us it was our turn. Kyle and I were sweaty and teary and shaky and then we saw her. My tears stopped immediately. Kyle started filiming and it was love at first sight. There was no tears from anyone. She looked at me and hit the chinese doll! LOL! and then I reached for her and she giggled... Mom, she is the most precious thing in the whole world. She took to us both right away.
Her palate is affected. Not a big deal, but it was nice to see her. She was clean and just beautiful. She was weraring little flower sandals, a white t-shirt and pink short overalls. Adorable. We played for a long time while our paper work was reviewed. We got to speak to her nanny, not the lady in the picture. We were there for probably an hour or so. She has since reached for both Kyle and I.
Time to get back on the bus. She was all eyes. She is very alert and loves to look around. She also loves goldfish! Back at the hotel we did our first diaper change... we put it on backwards.. we are so tired! Then Ava came back to do more paperwork. The whole time Lauryn played with her stacking cups!
When Ava left I was giving Lauryn more fish and she put like 10 in her mouth... her face got all red and she started to choke! Nothing to serious, but she's a little hoarder! LOL!Very common I guess!Kyle went to the store to get some juice and water and milk. I was playing with her on the bed, she reached up for me and wanted to be cuddled. I cuddled her and rubbed her back and she fell asleep! Kyle came back and we just stared at her. She started to stir about 40 mins. later and then started to cry. Very easily settled. She had some mashed banana, rice cereal, half a bun and a strawberry yogurt bar for dinner.
We attempted a bath...she was very nervous. Kyle was awesome. He brough her stacking cups in the tub and eventually she sat down. She let us know that enough was enough. We wrapped her in a towel. Put socks on and clean jama's with a clean bum and she is a whole new kid. She adores the blanket that you made her! I left her lying on Kyle's tummy all wrapped up and falling asleep!It has all been very natural. Kyle is a natural and she adores him!
When I was giving her dinner, she kept putting her mouth toward me... I would say No, Lauryn in your hand. She would sit back down and place her hand out... adorable. We both think that she is very smart. She imitates EVERYTHING! No words yet, but she bablles!
You guys are going to be head over heels! I really think she will come off the plane all smiles! Can't wait to come home. So there you go! Day 2 update and all is well!
We are back at the adoption centre tomorrow and then shopping! Should be interesting. Thanks for taking care of the boys!
We miss everyone and although this was a crazy life changing day, we both want to come home! LOL!Have a good night... er... morning!Lots of love to everyone. Have a safe trip home. I will send pictures when I can.
Love ya. xo


  1. omigod i just couldn't read this fast enough! sounds like it has been an amazing journey so far, i can only imagine how overwhelming it must be! please keep us updated as often as you can, it's so exciting!

    love you both and can't wait til you can come home!


  2. Well Lisa it sounds like your meeting could not have gone better....I am so very happy for you. it was worth the wait. We are all excited and anxious for you to return so that we can love and cuddle her too. Keep us up to date, I can`t wait to hear more.
    Lots of Love to you all
    Angela and Wade oh yeah and the kids lol
