Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am long overdue for an update here....so here goes!

Actually, there is not really a lot of news from my little corner of the world.
Work: I am missing the long term care nursing and have an interview at a nursing home in Coburg on Thursday evening. I have a passion about long term care nursing that I really don't have for community nursing. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this may be the change and challenge that I need career wise that will take me to retirement....

Personal: I am still loving my living arrangements. My "Nanny Pad" is perfect! It is so nice to spend time with the boys when ever I have the time and they have the desire..lol Declan is such a clever little boy. It is interesting watching him grow, making friends, learning to read, learning and speaking French, being a wonderful big brother and so much more. I look forward to our time together. Alister is funny, cute, and his little personality is developing more and more every day. I love it when he cuddles beside me in my chair, and all the new words that he has learned, his manners are amazing (as are his brother's), and he makes me laugh. When he runs to the door for a hug when I come home it is the most awesome thing. Then there are the times when he will not get off the couch to say hello...lol
I enjoy being close to Angela, although it seems that we really don't get a lot of time together....she is busy busy .... hockey, karate, swimming lessons and just life.... Wade and I have developed a wonderful friendship and it is all working well in my life!

My opinion on the Mother/Daughter weekend: The older I get and the worse my arthritis gets the more I know that I DO NOT want to do another survivor game. I know that nobody wants me on their team and that I will be the first or maybe the second one voted off...therefore, if we are going to do something that is competitive, I feel the playing ground should be fair for all who play...that's my thoughts on that!

Personal/Fun: Went to see a hypnotist with Lorraine, Jim, Barb and Steve last Friday night. It was so much fun....we laughed till our cheeks hurt. Jim got up on the stage and was just hilarious.
I went to London for the weekend with Jim to help Donna and Sierrah move...it was a good weekend. They have a really nice place and I hope that they are happy there. Sarah and Donna decorated Sierrah's room so it would be all ready for her the first time she saw their new home....you should have see her, she was so excited and surprised. They did such a good job, it was a princess room for their little princess and it was awesome. Loved seeing the "London crew" and happy to help! I am looking forward to Donna's visit this coming weekend.
I got a new car...yippee...I love it. Got a 2007 Jeep Compass....black...I am really enjoying it!

Well, enough for now, I promise to try and do better blogging and update more often.

Love to you all..xo

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