Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My turn

Hi family,
Well, it's also been a pretty long time since I have added everything. So, here it goes.
Life with our little love bug Lauryn is busy. She is an enthusiastic little girl, she has a smile that could melt the Grinch, and is growing and learning everyday. Lauryn is in a big girl bed now. She loves it! She discovered the freedom of her big girl bed about a week after being in it. It wasn't unusual (and still isn't) to go into her room after nap or night time and find her wearing her sparkling read shoes, the contents of her pj drawer on her crib, most stuffed animals wearing pull ups or diapers, and a couple of wipes around the room for good measure! Her books were everywhere. She loves to get dressed up, and won't leave her room without a pony tail or two. You can't put the child to bed without at least a half hour stint in the tub. The more bubbles the better. As we are running the water she says "pop, pop, pop" as she splashes to pop the bubbles. She is using a cup to drink from at meal times. She is very careful not to spill. Her favorite toy is her Maybe - which translates to baby! Her and Johnson are fast friends, however Johnson has felt the brunt of our two year old tornado more then once! Poor dog! Peanut, well he has become the upstairs cat when we are downstairs or the downstairs cut when we are upstairs. Their relationship is a work in progress! Lol! She LOVES daycare. Her first boyfriend is Bobby! She adores him! He's a hip little two year old that loves to take his clothes off and has the most consistent runny nose that I have ever seen. Miss Shannon gives Lauryn a sticker when we pick her up. The other day Miss Shannon informed me that Lauryn had some trouble listening... Oh, Lauryn! Lauryn has grown leaps and bounds with her speech. We are starting a 6 week session of speech therapy on March 2. Should be interesting!
Kyle is doing well.
He is gearing up for Daddy daycare! Kyles slow time is summer time. So, he will take over the majority of Lauryn's care. I found a job! Yipppppeee! (more deets in a few) Lauryn will continue to go to daycare on Tuesday and Thursdays and will have her first full time day on Tuesday March 15. Then, in September as Kyle heads into another season, Lauryn will start full on full time. Wow. There is so much more to think about now! Kyle is really looking forward to his time with Lauryn. They should have a blast this summer. It's pretty amazing to seem them together. It's also interesting to see how Lauryn is so different with us. Her and I will shop and play with her dolls and kitchen. Kyle and Lauryn will stretch her slinky and shake it, or have a muscle man pose off. We sing, and they jump! It is crazy.
As for me... I found a job! I interviewed with American Express. It's in Markham and about 40 minutes away. They offered me a position on Friday and I am so excited! It seems wonderful. Much like the Toronto Star. They have a benefit plan which starts right away. They have employee RRSP and stock options, they have a gym and great cafeteria with Swiss chalet in the building, and subsidized daycare down the street. I start March 14. Don't know what my hours will be yet, but once they check my background and references, I will receive my formal offer of employment. I am really excited!
We celebrated a year since Lauryn's referral on Feb. 12. I can't believe it's been a year already! Wow! Time sure does go quick. We also got together with some other families that we travelled to China with to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was incredible. So neat to see how all the kids have changed to drastically. We had a great afternoon.
I hear the pitter patter of little feet upstairs. I guess nap time is over! Wonder what she will be wearing by the time I get to her room!
Ohhh, Lauryn!
Hope everyone is doing well.
Love to you all.

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