Thursday, September 10, 2009

Although Declan attended the Belleville Montessori School last year, Tuesday was his very first official day in the school system. He started Jr. Kindergarden with a bang or at least with a cry.
His first day was "awesome" (his exact words) and he learned his first french sentence "commet ca vas?" (how are you?) and when i picked him up at 230 in the afternoon to when i put him to bed at 830 at night he asked it every chance he got!! I know that he will pick up the french very quickly but i hope that he enjoys it also.

When i was driving him to school today however he told me that he did not want to go that it was not as fun as the Montessori school as they did not get to play as much at this school. I told him good-bye and that i loved him and skipped back to the car lol.

When i picked him today i was quite excited to know what he had learned in french and he told me that he had learned nothing all day lol. i do not think that ever changes. as much as parents always say that they are sad to see there kids go to their first day of school i was not. i am not sure if that seems uncaring but mostly i am just excited to see what he has to say when i pick him up and to know that every day he is becoming his own new person (see now that makes me tear up lol).

Well this ends yet another exciting day in the life of the Phillips Family.


  1. I can't believe this little guy is going to school - French school at that! I have no doubt he will excel and make Mommy & Daddy proud - not to mention the rest of his aunts, uncles and cousins - and of course, his Nanny! It is a really big year for your little man Angela and you will be impressed every day by what he learns. You might want to consider a night school course to keep up! lol
    Ca va bien merci, et tu?

  2. That is so cute- I think you guys made an awesome choice putting him in french immersion, it will definately open up doors for him in his life! He is too cute- I will have to brush up on my francais and give him a call! Talk to you soon! xoox
