Sunday, September 27, 2009

Survivor burn out

Well Richard, we had the perfect plan and yet it was the junior man that brought it home for the big win. Here we thought we would send him away when we were at three, and he persevered, quite impressive in that pack of wolves that was left. Kudos to Jason, he did a great job, and as was eluded to, the three and a half hour drive with Sarah might have been the preparation needed to be the sole survivor. Stacey, it was a fantastic fun day, can not wait to do another one. I hope that Steve is feeling well this morning, you were a champ, just getting through the sit ups on a full belly of booze, it would appear that the banana hop was just too much though. I must congratulate my lovely wife as well, making it the furthest of all the McKowns.
Lorraine, I hope that you are okay today, I felt horrible seeing you bounce off the tree, I just wanted that win so bad! Anyways, we have lots of pictures to post, lots of which I am sure can be photo shopped in some way before the next family get together/competition.


  1. It was a fantastic day! Thanks so much to Stacey & Tim and especially to Stacey for the planning.
    Hope everyone is feeling OK this morning.
    I was honoured to be taken to the final 4 on our team, with 3 great guys, but I think bouncing off the tree was my demise. Just couldn't manage balancing a balloon and running at the same time. Sorry I missed the final lunge with you Wade.
    Congratulations to Jason and Angela for making the final 2! Everyone put up a great fight and were amazing good sports.
    Look forward to next year - a whole new game!

  2. Stacey and Tim,
    Thanks so much for opening your home to us yet again! Stacey, the planning was amazing. You did a great job. Thanks for all the hard work.
    Thanks to my team for voting me off first... I didn't even get a chance to lie, cheat or steal! Also got to bond with the babies!
    Hope everyone got home safe! Have a great week!
