Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Howdy Ya'll!
I haven't wrote much on here - mostly because nothing is new!
I woke up this morning to see my drivers window smashed in and glass everywhere. Nothing was stolen (thank god, I couldn't bear to lose my black patent peep-toe pumps that were in the back seat!) but it sure got the day off to a crappy start!
Work is going ok, the pay still isn't quite where it should be though. Hopefully, God will look down on me soon and say, "Sarah...you've had a rough year - here's a big fat raise, a new window and this week's winning lottery numbers" ...... to which I'll reply "ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!"
Anyways, not much else is new really - some friends and I are having a yard sale this weekend so hopefully it turns out to be a success! They're calling for rain though :(
Glad to hear everyone is doing well - I love you all bunches and I hope we really keep up with the blogging - and FYI, I dont use the email s_browning@rogers.com, I am just using sarahbrowning_21@hotmail.com
Love you all, talk to ya's soon!


  1. NOOOO way! That's horrible. I wonder why they would break your window and take nothing... At least they didn't take the shoes.
    Take care. It can only get better! Aren't you tired of hearing that... I am! LOL!
    Love ya

  2. So sorry about your car honey. Thank goodness your shoes were safe!
    You do deserve a raise and a lottery win! Just remember who loves ya when the cheque arrives LOL!
    Good luck with your yard sale.
    Love ya,
    Aunt Lorraine

  3. I guess I am the idiot who keeps using your rogers email . . . FYI I will stop now! LOL! xoxoxo
