Friday, July 10, 2009

Well i know this is a little late, but better late then never. We have made it Sierrah was amazing on the flight. She got a little stir crazy a few times but other then that she was just fine. I dont even think she felt the cabin pressurizing or anything like that. My ears hurt when we landed into Perth but other then that it was smooth sailing. Or flying..whatever.We did have a few problems along the way. The first thing was in Toronto. We checked out bags and tehn said our sobby goodbyes and i love yous and then we were off to the scanning of your shoes and everything that eould possibly be removed from your body. Once we were up, they sadi that we were in the wrong area and needed to get to the OTHER end of the terminal. And by then everyone had left so we made the walk with our teary eyes alone. We slept and ate snacks and slept some more on the way to Vancouver. We had to get off the plane in Vancouver but only for about 2 hours or so. Then we had the long flight from Vancouver to Sydney. You know how you fall asleep and then you wake up and you figure that you ahve about 2 or 3 hours to go? Well there were 8 more to go. That was a long flight. When i did it alone it wasnt too bad but with Sierrah it had to be on her schedule... but we made it to Sydney....finally. So we are there and i had called Air Canada like 5 times to make sure that there was fgoing to be someone available to help with our luggage because i had paid extra to have more then you are allowed and i couldnt push all like 300 pounds and Sierrah in the stroller at the same time. Well apparently, contrary to what Air Canada tells you, there is NO HELP there! I had a lady that went out of her area to help me a little. I literally had to push this f-ing cart, sweating like crazy while she pushed Sierrah who was freaking out. This 1st idiot hit the back of my heal with his cart and was very sorry. By now i am exhausted, sweating, hungry you name it. Then this 2nd idiot did it to me and i could barely stand! I turned around and yelled " The next person that hits me with their f-ing cart.... I swear to God !!!" So because of all of that crap we missed our connecting flight to Perth. So after pushing the cartt and then Sierrah OVER AND OVER.... we finally got a flight booked for about 2 hours later.At this point I had not had a smoke or a drink which I had totally forgot about on the drinks??? Who forgets about that?
So I got my smoke, had to buy "nappies" and then we were ready to board.
Wow this is
So out of the 4 seats in the middle of the plane of course we have the middle 2. This big hairy guy behind me says " Oh thats my seat" I asked him if he would sit on the inside becaue of Sierrah and he said " i dont think so". So Sierrah sat beside him and was asking him all these questions and bugging him as i hoped she would. The stewartess (sp?) came up and offered him another seat further down the plane....asshole. Then i fell asleep and they woke me up because Sierrah had taken all her clothes off and was creating a little scene I thought it was pretty funny. The guy on the other side was great. I guess he was talking to her and wiping her face.... good guy. Then when we landed they woke us both up and the staff said "was that guy not with you? We thought that you were a family!" He was really good to her. I had already thanked him a lot before we got off the plane.
Once we got off Sebi and Daniella were there with her baby waiting patiently for us. So all in all it was a pretty good flight.
I ave lost like 10 pounds in the last week, Sierrah keeps triping and falling off the toilet...we have now bought her this step thing with ahndles, but we are happy so far tso there is nothing to worry abo9ut. I cant wait for all of you to come and visit! We are moving a lot sooner then we thought apparently so we will have an extra room!
Well i think that is it for now. I will post some pics when i calm down a bit!
Take care everyone we love you all!

1 comment:

  1. What would a new adventure be without a little drama on the way?
    Sierrah strips down on the plane and Mommy goes postal on the cart pusher...
    Glad to hear you're feeling better and settling in to your new home.
    Love and hugs to you all.
    Aunt Lorraine
