Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Missing McKown's (& Wade)

Well almost everyone I have invited to join our blog has accepted my invitation. But there seems to be several McKown's who have not accepted . . . Uncle Steve, Aunt Pat, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Brenda, Tyler & Erica . . . where are you??? I have sent the invites twice to these folks so if you are talking to them remind them we are all waiting to hear their family business!


  1. Hi guys here is two of the missing reprobates did not receive the other invites tracy gave us a quick lesson but the blonde of the family still has a problem

  2. hope you realise sir9 is steve and pat sorry to say will be working the weekend 26th Sept. we work one and miss one but hope to get up there again in the near future. Steves had his operationand is now OK.
