Saturday, July 18, 2009

My turn..

Hello my family..I haven't written on the blog in a bit so i figured i would before someone called me and yelled at me. It was wonderful to see you guys last weekend..especially you Jim..was the drive really that bad? lol.. when are you all coming back?? we would love to have you all again. the more the merrier. Well to start off I didn't get my old job back..They decided to go with new blood which really is fine with me..I still get the same pay without the is not everything! So I have been plugging along all week with my tail between my legs wondering what is next..Everything happens for a reason..I have yet to find that reason..but on a lighter note..I was up in Port Franks for a couple days this week on a house boat..the weather was great and I actually went swimming in Lake swimming in a lake these days is not too likely but it was numbing and refreshing at the same time..Definately worked on my tan. The weather was great where i was but London had rain..and i was only an hour start my holidays this Thursday with a concert in the park...Ya the Hip...Sue and I are hoping to get close enough to get some pics..i will post them if i get close enough..a few drinks and i will be on stage..haha..not! then the rest of my vacation...well not too sure..hopefully spend some time with Garry and then during the week i might head Belleville way and make the rounds..I will have to see where the funds are at before i commit..but bingo if i am and I are heading to Fenolon Falls camping on the Aug. 1st long weekend with Sue and that should be a good way to end the holidays..And that is about all that is happening in my neck of the woods..Miss my Jackie and Sierrah more then anything..but Skype is the best thing they have ever come out all should download it even to talk to each my love to all of you...hope to see you soon..
Love Donna


  1. Hi Ma'Donna,
    It was a great weekend and thanks again for your hospitality. Great to meet your "friend" also who, by the way, has the "Jim stamp of Approval". Not that it matters but just thought you might like to know LOL. Garry seems like a really nice guy and the gentleman you deserve.
    Love ya lots,

  2. Would love to see you here on your vacation - any day, any time. You're welcome to stay here and we can definitely arrange to go to Bingo.
